Peyresq project

The development of scientific and cultural meetings at Peyresq has been achieved through the active collaboration of the non-profit organization Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc asbl. Through its European and international radiance, Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc asbl carries on its ongoing efforts to foster scientific, artistic and cultural activity in Brussels, the Provencal village of Peyresq, and in the Verdon-Vaïre valleys. Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc asbl, of course, is neither a formal association nor a grouping, but an aim shared by voluntary organizations and individuals to organize and support (by giving of their time and homes) projects that are messengers of humanism to further the reputation and influence of the village of Peyresq. So, through meetings between scientists, artists and students, conferences and entertainments in the valleys, collaboration with the Art et Culture Fabri de Peiresc association, local councils, the National Forestry Office, Retrouvance, Provence Railways, and through student dissertations, Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc asbl helps to advance the humanist destiny of Peyresq and Alpes-Haute-Provence. At the nexus of continental mists and dazzling mediterranean skies, Peiresc country also invites you to a “journey through nature” on its rambling trails, from sheep-folds to forest houses, from mountain pastures to deep gorges.

